
JAlbum 11.1.1


Jalbum - программа для автоматического создания веб-галерей. Для этого достаточно мышкой перетащить в окно программы папку с картинками, и она сгенерирует галерею с уменьшенными копиями изображений (или Slide-Show вариант). Впрочем, возможен и ручной режим работы с полным контролем над создаваемым проектом, в том числе с использованием имеющихся фильтров изображений, настройкой стилей, использованием данных IPTC/EXIF и т.п.


Чтобы бесплатно воспользоваться хостингом производителя для публикации проектов, нужно зарегистрировать имя и почтовый адрес. В утилите представлено несколько шаблонов и скинов, а на сайте разработчика доступна целая коллекция.

JAlbum 10

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

JAlbum 11.1.1

Что нового в версии 11.1:

News and Updates
  • Asks user whether he wishes to copy added files or link to them (saves disk space for instance). See this blog post for more info on different ways of managing images with jAlbum.
  • Copy files progress bar now shows progress during the copying of large files too
  • Performance enhancements
  • Minor UI adjustments
  • Updated bundled skins Turtle and Base.
  • More robust against broken images
  • Verifies date pattern under advanced album settings so incorrect patterns are prevented
  • Now reporting number of videos when adding albums to jalbum.net
  • Now using a smaller folder icon when in small thumbnail view
  • Developers: New API for fast and flexible counting of object categories
  • Logo filter can now be excluded for selected images

Bug fixes
  • Updating a skin from within jAlbum would reload default skin settings instead of keeping project settings
  • Partly uploaded files weren't completed on next upload
  • Files having a "-" in the start of the file name weren't sorted according to user's wish
  • Updating skins would sometimes cause an exception to be thrown
  • Typing special Polish characters when entering captions would trigger events like undo/redo
  • Updating skins would sometimes cause an exception to be thrown
  • Moving deleting and excluding videos was not synchronized with the corresponding video file in the album structure
  • Wasn't possible to select folders to represent albums
  • Ensures that any locally stored manifest.jmf file isn't uploaded (should never be manually uploaded)
  • The selected style on Mac wasn't rendered correctly
  • Made uploading albums more robust against jalbum.net not responding correctly
  • Fix to bug in detection of circular folder references (equal folder names would fool the logic)
  • Fix to bug calculating the right web root url from an ftp server name


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Bukkollaider 13/04/13 Просмотров: 3959