FeedDemon 3.0 Final

Вышла новая версия FeedDemon - одна из самых популярных программ для получения новостей с сайтов по технологии RSS и XML. По сравнению с обычным просмотром сайтов с помощью браузера, технология RSS имеет два существенных плюса - возможность практически полной автоматизации и значительное уменьшение обьема скачиваемых данных за счет отсутствия в получаемых новостях рекламы (нет ни баннеров, ни чего-либо еще).

Основные возможности:
- Newspaper Format: When you select a channel, FeedDemon's tabbed browser displays the channel's news items in a newspaper for easy reading. You can display a newspaper of news items for an entire folder or view one feed at a time.
- News Bins: Store news items in a central location and provide a handy way to collect items from different channels. If you find an interesting item that you might want to read again, just store it in a news bin for future reference. News Bins are synchronized through the NewsGator Online platform, so you can read these items from FeedDemon on other computers as well as other NewsGator readers.
- Synchronization: Read a post in FeedDemon and it is marked as read in other NewsGator readers.
- Shared Experience: See what news is popular with other NewsGator users and find out who is linking to the news you’re reading.
- Video: Watch embedded video right within the newspaper view.
- Panic Button: Ever gone on vacation and gotten a little behind on your reading? The Panic Button solves this and many other problems by quickly marking all older items read.

New In FeedDemon 3.0:
- Google Reader sync – Use FeedDemon at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched between locations.
- Redesigned UI including new "Subscriptions Home" page with popular videos and articles extracted from your feeds
- Tagging and tag cloud on Subscriptions Home page.
- Easy item sharing – let others enjoy your favorite articles with just a click.
- Enhanced Twitter feed reading with automatic hyperlinks and short URL expansion view.
Скачать программу FeedDemon 3.0 Final (3,52 МБ):
Bukkollaider 24/09/09 Просмотров: 3873
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