
PMView Pro v3.54

Мощная программа для просмотра, редактирования и преобразования изображений. В арсенале PMView Pro скриптовый инструмент для преобразования файлов из одного формата в другой (всего их поддерживается более сорока), создание и просмотр "превьюшек", утилита для создания снимков экрана, TWAIN-интерфейс для работы со сканерами, поддержка EXIF и многое другое.

This straightforward and handy utility focuses on displaying and converting images. PMView Pro supports more than 50 image formats, from widespread ones such as JPEG and GIF to more exotic ones such as IFF and EPS.
We like its highly configurable interface, which lets you convert and edit multiple pictures at once. You can assign hot keys for any operation. The Open dialog box lets you filter files by extension, perform various operations on them, and create slide shows. In a slide show, you can define display settings for every image so that, for example, you can let your favorite photos show for more time. You can join several actions into scripts and save them for later use.
The set of editing operations and filters should satisfy, but if not, you can create your own filters. Besides its main functionality, the program can set an image as wallpaper and take screenshots. PMView Pro presents shutterbugs with a great alternative to larger viewer and graphics packages.


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igoryk 25/09/09 Просмотров: 3848