Total Commander Ultima Prime v5.1
Total Commander Ultima Prime - это набор утилит и разнообразных наборов настроек, собранных в один установочный пакет для расширения функциональности файлового менеджера Total Commander. Пакет состоит из расширенных главного меню и панели инструментов, очень полезных дополнительных программ и плагинов, изменённой раскладки горячих клавиш и многого-многого другого.
What's new:
- Added option to display system information on Total Commander titlebar.
- Added option to check for update.
- Designed new icon of project.
- Fixed installer code.
- New, safe code for adding data to system environment variable PATH (buffer increased from 1024bytes to 8192 bytes).
- "AIMP" has been updated to the newest version (2.61.560).
- "Miranda IM" has been updated to the newest version (0.9.0 alpha build #8 Unicode).
- "Notepad++" has been updated to the newest version (5.6.8 Unicode).
- "Opera@USB" has been updated to the newest version (10.53).
- "Recuva" has been updated to the newest version (1.37.488).
- "System Info for Windows" has been updated to the newest version (2010 (build 0310)).
- "System Explorer" has been updated to the newest version (
- "The KMPlayer" has been updated to the newest version (
- "Total Commander" has been updated to the newest version (7.55rc2).
- "Universal Extractor" has been updated to the newest version (1.6.1).
- "Unlocker" has been updated to the newest version (1.8.9).
- "uTorrent" has been updated to the newest version (2.0.2).
- "VirtualDub" has been updated to the newest version (1.9.9 build 32817).
- "XnView" has been updated to the newest version (1.97.4).
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs has been corrected.
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serg_ko 02/06/10 Просмотров: 1962