SIV - System Information Viewer 5.08

SIV (System Information Viewer) – небольшая утилита, предоставляющая пользователю самую разнообразную и весьма подробную информацию о системе, локальной сети и аппаратном обеспечении. SIV показывает информацию о множестве характеристик компьютера: об установленном оборудовании и программном обеспечении, о данных с датчиков температуры и напряжений, сведения о процессоре, памяти, жестких дисках и очень многое другое.
System Information Viewer is a general Windows utility for displaying lots of useful Windows, Network and hardware info - CPU info, PCI info, PCMCIA info, USB info SMBus info, SPD info, ACPI methods, Machine info, Hardware Sensors, Networked computers, Operating System Information and more.
ОС: Windows 10, 8.1, 8.0, 7, Vista, XP, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000 и NT4. Windows 95, 98 и Me
Что нового в этой версии:
- Added support for Windows 10 RS1 V10.00 Build 14279. Enabled operation of [ACPI HAL], [ACPI Buses], [ACPI Eval] and [ACPI Ports].
- Added [Logitech LCD Setup] (Menu->Tools->Configure->Logitech LCD Setup) to support Logitech G19 + G510 + G13 + G15 LCD keyboard and Emulated LCD displays. Initially SIV will not create an Emulated LCD Panel and you need to check the check box to create one. Having done this an eight line panel will be created which you can customise to have more lines, wider names or use a different font. You can also create additional Emulated LCD Panels, insert/remove lines, select sensors, change colours and set levels. The -NOLCD qualifier is available to disable this facility and -LCDS=<n> can also be used to create <n> Emulated LCDs from the command line.
- Added enhanced NVMe Disk reporting. Improved multiple CSMI RAID controller and nVidia nForce4 reporting.
- Added support for the ASUS Z170M-Plus motherboard.
- Enhanced [Link Devices] to report the USB Port and Hub of Ghost Devices.
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