C-Organizer Lite 4.0.1

C-Organizer Lite - красивый и мощный персональный информационный менеджер. Эта программа поможет Вам организовать и спланировать Вашу работу и личную жизнь. Это планировщик, адресная книга, менеджер паролей и закладок, записная книжка и календарь событий, объединенные в одну мощную и удобную программу.

Program's Major Advantages:
- Intuitive, user-friendly interface.
- C-Organizer supports various interface types and color schemes.
- Fully customizable view.
- Multilanguage support.
- Flexible tree-like database structure.
- Password protection.
- Database encryption.
- Printing with templates. Ability to export the print reports into RTF or HTML file.
- Capability of creating new databases; simultaneous work with multiple databases.
- On-the-fly database swapping.
- Simultaneous multiple records processing (adding and editing).
- Hyperlink support (between documents, Internet and local/network files).
- Notification system with a capability to automatically open documents, restart or shut down computer at any set time.
- Powerful database search engine.
- Ability to show any entries as electronic sticky notes on computers monitor.
- Import and export features (csv, txt, xml, cdb, html).
- Minimization to the system tray.
- The Advanced Diary support. You can open this program using C-Organizer's main menu commands.
- Installation and uninstallation.
- Easily visible (bold font) display of the days that have appointments scheduled on the programs calendar.
- Time Grid and List modes.
- Day, Work Week, Week and Month views are supported in each mode (in the List and in the Time Grid).
- Flexible sorting system.
- Extended prioritizing settings.
- Task progress tracker.
- Unique notification (alert) system.
- Flexible settings of recurring events.
- Task grouping.
- Hyperlinks to other database records or Internet/local/network files.
- vCalendar files support.
- An ability to print a calendar like report with your appointments.
- Phone dialer with Skype support.
- Option to store photographs (full size and thumbnails).
- Option to modify database structure for each record.
- Option to add the custom date fields with the reminders.
- An ability to send messages to the stored contacts.
- Flexible settings and template use.
- Integration with default email client and web browser.
- Unique notification (alert) system.
- Record grouping.
- Hyperlinks to other database records or Internet/local/network files.
- vCard files support.
- RTF support.
- Paragraph formatting.
- Image insertion.
- Bullets and Numbering.
- Extended text editor functions.
- Record grouping.
- Hyperlinks to other database records or Internet/local/network files.
- Work with tables.
- Spell checking.

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Bukkollaider 03/04/11 Просмотров: 3614