Luxology Modo 501.42548 SP3

Luxology MODO - инновационная программа для 3D моделирования, рисования и рендеринга в единой рабочей среде. Особенностью программы является мощный, но при этом интуитивно понятный инструментарий для конструирования сложных геометрических форм методом подраздельных поверхностей. По прошествии нескольких лет продукт постепенно трансформировался в полноценный универсальный пакет. Интерфейс программы предлагает глубокую настройку практически всех рабочих элементов. Весьма востребованными будут предустановленные в нем навигационные стили, которые максимально приближают принципы взаимодействия с инструментами к методам, практикуемым в 3DS Max, Maya и других аналогичных решениях. Для удобства пользования все ключевые технологические переходы (рисование, анимация, рендеринг и т.д.) вынесены в отдельные модули.

Основные возможности:
- Полигональное и под раздельное моделирование поверхностей
- Точное конструирование геометрии
- Два вида инструментов построения модели: сеточные и основанные на графическом изображении
- UV редактирование мирового уровня
- Мощная и гибкая система рисования для 2D и 3D
- Быстрый рендеринг
- Примерный и полный рендеринг до деталей
- Мощные функции анимации и построения моделей

What's New in version 501.42548 SP3:
- Improved: COLLADA import to support envelope curve weighting.
- Fixed: Incorrect behavior with element action axis in some cases of edge element.
- Fixed: Potential crash when clicking in an edit field with a popup open.
- Fixed: Problem with geometry constrain with screen mode.
- Fixed: Potential crash when MDDs are driving replicator point source.
- Fixed: Incorrect behavior with pen tool wall mode.
- Fixed: Restored "Item Transform" macro, fixing ctrl-y key assignment.
- Improved: Dialog management from failed queries when using telnet, making telnet more useful for automated operations.
- Fixed: Issue with deformed displacement freeze.
- Fixed: viewport.tag's "remove" argument.
- Fixed: Issue with item effector with hierarchy mode.
- Fixed: Incorrect behavior for smooth shift tool with thicken mode.
- Fixed: Preview navigation bug.
- Fixed: Issue with color picker not updating when the color was changed outside of the picker itself.
- Fixed: Issue where swapping colors in color picker might not cause the UI to update properly.
- Fixed: Issue with UV offset.
- Fixed: Incorrect behavior when subdividing the solid sketch skeleton.
- Fixed: Issue with PNG loader handling 16-bit grayscale with alpha.
- Fixed: Potential crash with clone effector.
- Fixed: Radial sweep and radial array missing auto action center.
- Fixed: Issue with bezier curve and generator.
- Fixed: Disabled shader overwriting when the layer mask is at the top of a group.
- Fixed: Issue with COLLADA refuses to load a scene file exported from Esko.
- Fixed: Potential crash with airbrush falloff on UV space.
- Fixed: Issue with shader masking bug.
- Improved: Made rayGL match the openGL up axis.
- Improved: Painting in UV view.
- Fixed: Issue with shader slicing for shaders using a group mask.
- Fixed: Issue with element falloff tool on polygon mode.
- Fixed: Potential crash when closing a file when mouse over tree.
- Fixed: Issue with occlusion textures on replicated items.
- Fixed: Issue with deformed meshes displayed in 3D viewports.
- Fixed: Potential crash when using the bridge tool.
- Fixed: Issue with the paint tool creating one image for each stroke under certain conditions.
- Improved: Render output testing in a threaded context.
- Fixed: Potential crash when using group bevel with a falloff tool.
- Fixed: Potential crash in item popup functions of clone family effector tools when cinema is flux.
- Fixed: Potential crash with a selection set command with item mode.
- Fixed: Issue with initial bend spine on custom workplane.
- Fixed: Potential crash with adaptive subdivision.
- Fixed: Issue with loop slice.
- Fixed: Potential crash with Drag & Drop in Cocoa.
- Fixed: Potential crash with text polygon.
- Improved: Rhino support for 501.
- Fixed: Incorrect behavior when deleting edges.
- Fixed: Issue with preview updating on group locator animation changes.
- Fixed: Potential crash with image ink tool.
- Fixed: Potential crash with bridge tool for multi-resolution mesh.
- Fixed: Issue with bump in certain renders.
- Fixed: Potential crash with folder names.
- Fixed: Potential crash when saving images.
- Fixed: Potential crash with mesh binning.
- Fixed: Issue on Windows where the alt key triggers system menus when dismissing an inline edit field.
- Fixed: Various bug fixes to resolve crashing and improve stability.
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