Photomatix Pro 4.1 Final

Photomatix Pro - очень полезная программа для профессиональных фотографов и продвинутых любителей. Программа комбинирует любое число различных кадров в сцене с высокой контрастностью в одно изображение с деталями и всеми тенями. Photomatix - автономная система, которая расширяет динамический диапазон фотографов. Продукт позволяет пользователям смешивать кадры и восстанавливать локальные детали из High Dynamic Range изображений, созданных из многократного экспонирования.

Возможности программы:
- Генерация HDR изображений из различных графических файлов
- Конвертация одного RAW файла в псевдо-HDR-изображение
- Инструмент тонового мапинга для вывода световых и теневых деталей в HDR изображение
- Просмотрщик HDR изображений, показывающий локальные данные HDR изображения в соответствующей экспозиции
- Отображение HDR гистограммы
- Функция для тонового мапирования больших HDR файлов изображений
- Поддержка чтения и записи Radiance RGBE (.hdr), OpenEXR (.exr) и Floating Point TIFF
- Использование четырех алгоритмов для смешивания экспозиции
- Опция автоматического выравнивания для изображений с помощью двух методов выравнивания
- Доступные предпросмотр и лупа для всех методов смешивания экспозиции
- Автоматическая пакетная обработка изображений
- Поддержка JPEG, TIFF, Radiance RGBE, OpenEXR, PNG, PSD и RAW файлов с различных фотокамер
What's New in This Release:
- Ability to select a region on the Tone Mapping/Fusion preview and replace it with a source photo. A "Selection Mode" option on the Preview window lets users select one or more regions with lasso tools and replace the selected region with one of the source image(s). "Attach to Edges" button automatically adjusts the selection to follow the nearest edges.
- Improved automatic ghosting reduction: more ghosts removed and less artifacts.
- Addition of Sharpness setting to Fusion/Adjust method.
- Improvements to Fusion/Intensive method: several times faster and better results.
- Option to exclude perspective correction from alignment by matching features.
- "Quick Selection" option added on Selective Deghosting tool, so that region is automatically marked as ghosted once selected with the lasso tool.
- Added option in Preferences not to show the Preset Thumbnails panel when the Tone Mapping/Fusion windows load.
- Made double-clicking on sliders reset to default value for the setting.
- The Selective Deghosting dialog now shows thumbnails of source photos in contextual menu for selecting photos at a specific EV.
- Implemented custom scrollbar and improved custom sliders and buttons.
- Added ability to set the maximum alignment shift.
- Added option in Preferences for setting location for temporary files used for processing large files with Details Enhancer in "Preview" mode, or processing relatively large files with Fusion/Adjust.
- On Windows 7, the taskbar progress bar now shows during processing.
- Added back option to convert raws to pseudo-HDR with Batch Single Photos.
- Made it possible to batch process jpeg and tiff files without tonemapping using Batch Single Photos.
- Bracketed images having different width and/or height can now be loaded for HDR processing.
- Cosmetic naming and presentation changes on the Details Enhancer Settings Adjustments window.
- Updated RAW conversion to support files from the Nikon D5100, Fuji HS20EXR, F550EXR and X100, Olympus E-PL2 and XZ-1, Samsung NX1 and Sony A-290.
- Added ability to dock preview settings on the left or right hand side of the application window.
- Added option in Preferences to set whether the histogram shows when starting a new tonemapping session.
- Improved mouse wheel support.
- Bug fixed: JPEG files straight of the camera in portrait mode were not always loaded in the correct orientation.
- Bug fixed: Images saved as TIFF not showing the correct DPI resolution in Adobe Bridge
- Bug fixed: Tone Mapping of underexposed single JPEG or 8-bit TIFF produced bad result.
- Bug fixed: Multiple Undo/Redo on the Setting Adjustments window was not working properly.
- Bug fixed: After having clicked on the "Undo Fusion" menu item on a fused image, the result was black when fusing again.
- Bug fixed: When running Photomatix Pro in trial mode via the Lightroom plugin, the prompt notifying about the trial was showing behind the Selective Deghosting window and blocking it.
- Bug fixed: Crash when processing greyscale images.
- Bug fixed: On the Selective Deghosting window, the photo selected by default on the contextual menu was often not the appropriate exposure for the ghosted region.
- Bug fixed: Random crashes under some specific user configuration when using the browse dialog.
- Bug fixed: When reimporting processed images in Lightroom, stacking was not working properly when the user selected another photo in Lightroom before Photomatix Pro finished processing the image.
- Bug fixed: various memory leaks.
- Bug fixed: "360 degree image" option was not part of the settings embedded in tonemapped image.
- Bug fixed: When loading raw files from the Pentax K-5 (and likely other Pentax models), the resulting image had red lines on the right border.
- Bug fixed: When fusing images having the same EV values, the EXIF information was not preserved in the fused image.
- Bug fixed: Preset Thumbnails panel disappeared when the program's window was minimized and then restored.
- Bug fixed: An image that had been saved as JPEG or 8-bit TIFF could not be re-saved as 16-bit TIFF.
- Bug fixed: Histogram for Red color was displaying the histogram for Blue color and vice versa
- Bug fixed: Error returned by Photoshop when opening an image saved in Photomatix and that had been tonemapped a second time after having re-opened a tonemapped image.
- Bug fixed: Loading images with different orientation value in their metadata made the alignment crash.
- Bug fixed: NEF files from the Nikon D7000 shot as multiple exposure could result in strong magenta cast.
- Bug fixed: Crash when running under Wine.
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Bukkollaider 16/07/11 Просмотров: 2336