
WPanorama 9.7.1 Final


WPanorama - бесплатное графическое приложение для просмотра панорамных картинок с возможностями горизонтальной и вертикальной прокрутки. Поддерживается круговой просмотр (на 360 градусов), имеется полноэкранный режим, слайдшоу, возможность наложения дополнительных спец.эффектов и фильтров, работа в режиме хранителя экрана, способностью подключения музыкального сопровождения, поддержка мультимониторных конфигураций и т.д.



  • 360° continuous scrolling
  • Full screen view
  • Mini slide show (one sample of it included with the program)
  • Back and forth scrolling for non 360° pictures
  • Mirror function for special interesting effects
  • Vertical scroll in addition to the horizontal one (new in version 4)
  • Misceallenous stretch filters
  • Variable scroll increment and speed
  • Automatic or manual scroll orientation setting (horizontal or vertical)
  • Screen saver module (New in version 2)
  • Screen saver able to display a new picture every time it is trigged or at a given time interval
  • Possibility to insert scrolling panoramas into movies by the means of multiple bmp files or avi files (new in version 3)
  • Possibility to associate music to panoramas
  • Panorama show
  • Multi-monitor support
  • Much, much more..

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

Что нового в версии 9.7.1:

WPanorama.exe (build 1395):
  • In the panorama show, when the title (panorama description or filename) is displayed, an option allows an indicator to show if the panorama is not a 360°.
  • The ".wsx" file association (screensaver export) is now disabled by default.
  • When the screensaver was not installed or if its version number was different from the one of the viewer, there was some mixed-up display at the end of
  • the Keyboard controls section and at the beginning of the Questions and answers section of the help. This problem no longer exists in this version.
  • The context help for "Exit and reset parameters" is now pointing to the correct help item. In the older versions, it was pointing to the previous help item which is for "Clear last pictures history".
  • In the panorama show of the previous versions, if the title display was selected, it was not possible to have some panoramas without title. It was supposed to be possible when giving a space character as a description, but it didn't work, as the space in the .wpa file was considered as an empty string which caused the filename to be displayed as a description. From this version, if a panorama without title is desired, it is possible to do it by putting a number sign ("#") as a description.
  • When attempting to load a panorama by double-clicking on its configuration file icon while a secondary window is open, either the panorama doesn't load or the secondary window closes. In the previous versions, WPanorama could behave in an abnormal manner after a new panorama was loaded while a secondary window was open.

WPanorama.scr (build 1208):
  • If there are more than 250 panoramas in the list, a progress bar is displayed in the Parameters setting panel when applying the changes ("Apply" button or "OK" button when the "Apply" button is enabled).
  • When the title (panorama description or filename) is displayed, an option allows an indicator to show if the panorama is not a 360°.
  • When adding images or loading lists, the new number of panoramas is displayed sooner.
  • In the previous versions, if the title display was selected, it was not possible to have some panoramas without title. It was supposed to be possible when giving a space character as a description, but it didn't work, as the space in the .wpa file was considered as an empty string which caused the filename to be displayed as a description. From this version, if a panorama without title is desired, it is possible to do it by putting a number sign ("#") as a description.

WPAInfo.exe (build 1158):
  • Now supports 2262 panoramas.


Скачать программу WPanorama 9.7.1 Final (4,38 МБ):

aks85 02/01/12 Просмотров: 1904