
Judye Groner, Madeline Wikler. My first Hebrew word book

My first Hebrew word book

Этот словарь в картинках станет отличным подспорьем для желающих изучить иврит. В книгу входят базовый набор слов по темам "семья", "одежда", "цвета", "числа" и т. д. В конце словаря представлен полный список слов с ссылками на страницы.
PreSchool-Grade 2–Students and teachers of conversational Hebrew, as well as families interested in introducing the language, will appreciate this picture dictionary. Basic Hebrew words for parts of the body, members of the family, clothing, the house, school, playground, city, grocery store, bedtime, bath time, a birthday party, the zoo, the seasons, numbers, and colors are included. All are written in block letters with English transliteration and translation. Each spread includes a large, detailed illustration with the individual items clearly identified along the bottom. The color cartoon art is cheerful and contemporary. At the back of the book, a word list is organized alphabetically in English and includes the Hebrew words and corresponding page numbers.

Издательство: Kar-Ben Publishing
Год: 2005
Страниц: 32
Формат: pdf
Язык: английский, иврит


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Ruslanina 03/02/20 Просмотров: 4194
BigPuppy 28 января 2020, 14:43:33

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Hennady 03 февраля 2020, 22:12:30
