JAlbum 10.4

Jalbum - программа для автоматического создания веб-галерей. Для этого достаточно мышкой перетащить в окно программы папку с картинками, и она сгенерирует галерею с уменьшенными копиями изображений (или Slide-Show вариант). Впрочем, возможен и ручной режим работы с полным контролем над создаваемым проектом, в том числе с использованием имеющихся фильтров изображений, настройкой стилей, использованием данных IPTC/EXIF и т.п.

Чтобы бесплатно воспользоваться хостингом производителя для публикации проектов, нужно зарегистрировать имя и почтовый адрес. В утилите представлено несколько шаблонов и скинов, а на сайте разработчика доступна целая коллекция.
ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Что нового в этой версии:
- Support for making whole web sites and not just albums. Currently supported by "Turtle", "Galleria", "Minimal" and "Base" skins (now bundled). More skins to follow.
- About 40% faster page processing due to better use of multi-core CPUs
- Bundled with updated Turtle 3.0 and Base 2.0 skins. See skin pages for a full list of enhancements.
- Support for transparent images and PNG writing. GIF and PNG files are now written as PNG files
- Images can now be individually scaled to different sizes (by overriding the max* image size variables for specific images.
- Album projects missing a "directory" entry will now pick the image directory path from the project file location. This will soon help to making album projects truly portable
- Alt-clicking preview will bring up final published album (only valid for albums uploaded using jAlbum 10.4 and up)
- Removed "Generate Search engine friendly file names" feature for now. It wasn't ready for prime time (caused too many side effects)
- Images can now be oriented in any direction
- Added a "no IPTC" title source
- Supports dragging and dropping .ico files too
- Camera copyright messages are now filtered from the EXIF "Image desc." field
- jAlbum now keeps track of dates and locations for made and uploaded albums (will be put to use in future versions)
- Added "Activate license" button to about window
- Introducing "licenceManager", "currentObject" and "currentFolder" and "rootFolder" variables to compiled code
- Added a pageType variable (values are "index", "slide" or "page")
- Puts a unique ID in the widget loader for anonymous / not signed in albums. This will make it considerably easier to later get rid of ads for such albums. (Will remove the need for rebuilding and reuploading albums)
- Made the objects "rootFolder", "currentFolder" and "selectedObjects" available via the system console as a convenience to developers
Bug fixes
- jAlbum wasn't using the new "FTPES", "FTPS" and "FTP (ftp4j)" transfer protocols
- Xmp captions would be deleted from images that were linked into jAlbum when such images were deleted from jAlbum
- jAlbum's notification system failed to work on OS X Lion (spitting out loads of error reports on the system console)
- Fixed minor rounding error for scaling images (could get one pixel too small)
- Images could show up incorrectly oriented if "Include photographic data in images" was checked
- Rewrote progress dialog window. Now improved performance and fixed bug causing the progress dialog to spontaneously reopen after having been automatically closed after a successful album build
- Unrelated files could be accidentally deleted from a server folder the second time an album was uploaded to a server folder where other files are already present
- Moving images didn't also move the corresponding generated files
- Some albums were made without thumbnails if a previously used skin switched off thumbnail generation
- Replaced files (when adding files to jAlbum) are first removed, then added again. This removes stale cached thumbnails and stale generated slide images
- jAlbum's settings window could become larger than the screen with certain skins and settings
- AlbumObject.getLastModified() now correct for folders too (senses structural changes to children)
- The "onload.bsh" script file now has access to "rootFolder" and "rootImageDirectory" variables
- Images taken upside down weren't oriented right
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