NetSetMan 3.4.0

Вышла новая версия NetSetMan - бесплатной программы, позволяющей быстро переключаться между шестью различными сетевыми конфигурациями.
Программа окажется особенно полезной для тех, кто часто переключается с одной сети на другую, ведь каждый раз, когда необходимо подключиться к одной определённой сети, приходится выставлять нужные ей настройки.
NetSetMan позволяет в каждой конфигурации выставить такие параметры, как IP-адрес, маска подсети, шлюз, DNS-сервера, имя компьютера, рабочая группа, запускаемые скрипты (BAT, VS, JS, ...), принтер по умолчанию и т.д., а затем переключаться между ними за один клик.
NetSetMan is a network settings manager which can easily switch between 6 different, visually structured profiles including:
- IP Address
- Subnet Mask
- Default Gateway
- DNS Server
- WINS Server
- Computer Name
- Workgroup
- DNS Domain
- Default Printer
- Network Drives
- SMTP Server
- Hosts File Entries
- Scripts (BAT, VS, JS, ...)

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).
Изменения в версии 3.4.0:
- NEW: Browser/Proxy feature completely reworked! (Pro version)
- Support for Internet Explorer/System, Firefox and Opera
- Automatic recognition of your installed browsers
- Separate browser and proxy/home page configuration
- Getting current values, clearing values on label double-click
- Full support of profiles for Firefox and Opera
- IE proxy settings can be combined now
- Opening browser dialog much faster now
- Dropping Gopher-protocol support
- NEW: All-new Activation Dialog!
- Three areas: compact, details and log
- Animated activation indicator
- Progress bar in dialog and in (Win7) taskbar
- Dialog doesn't freeze anymore during activation
- NEW: Win7 JumpLists for quick access to important NSM sections
- NEW: Win7 JumpLists for quick access to important NSM sections
- NEW Language: Hebrew
- The alternative IP method now becomes the default method! However, for compatibility the old method can still be activated in the preferences.
- System Settings accessible directly from the tray for quick changes
- Fix: Workgroup checkbox wasn't saved correctly in v3.3.0
- Fix: Error in Compact Mode if all profiles are deactivated
- Fix: Saving custom height of Compact Mode
- Fix: Some minor issues with the program icon
- Fix: System Sound Schemes problems with NSM Service
- Fix: Printer error "File not found" in certain cases
- Pro: Help link in Domain/Workgroup dialog
- Several WiFi improvements (security, import/export)
- WiFi NIC is now automatically enabled when establishing a connection
- Added context menu to Script editor
- NSM Administration registry keys now removed with uninstall
- MenuBar buttons now also close the opened dialog again
- Wallpaper selection limited to BMP&JPG (other formats are problematic)
- Layout and size adjustments
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments
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