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Hex Workshop + Rus

Hex Workshop

Hex Workshop - набор шестнадцатеричных инструментов для Microsoft Windows, сочетающий в себе простоту и гибкость текстового процессора. С помощью программы Вы сможете редактировать, удалять, вырезать, копировать и вставлять шестнадцатеричные значения, полностью настроить печать участков памяти, а также экспортировать эти участки в .rtf или .html для публикаций. Программа поддерживает функцию drag-and-drop и интегрируется с Вашей операционной системой Windows, благодаря чему Вы сможете легко и быстро редактировать наиболее часто используемые приложения.

Key Features:

  • Rich Feature Set
  • Highly Customizable User Interface
  • Data Interpretation and Parsing
  • Integrated Binary Comparison

Four integrated tools are available to help parse and combine data within Hex Workshop.
  • The Structure Viewer applies C-style structures to data within the editor and allows the user to visually view and edit that data.
  • Smart Bookmarks allow users to add bookmarks to a file with functions, mathematical operations, and data types. Users can view and edit both the bookmark and the bookmark's value.
  • Color maps allow users to apply color attributes to hex sequences or character ranges to help identify data within a file.
  • The Data Visualizer allows users to apply color palettes to their data to help identify patterns.

Hex Workshop

ОС: Windows 2003, XP, Vista и 7.

Изменения в версии

  • Hex Workshop now includes better code page support including the ability to view text rendered using code page based character maps, code page aware searching, and the ability to specify the target character set and code page used to render bookmarks and structures.
  • Structure definitions now support explicit data types for UTF-8, ANSI, and Unicode character sets along with a "codepage" pragma for rendering ANSI characters.
  • Users may now export to UTF8, ANSI, or Unicode text files.
  • A new "Copy Address" option was added to the Edit menu, right-click document context menu, and structure viewer right-click context menu.
  • Structure definitions now support referencing individual bitfield components from conditional expressions.
  • A new Structure Viewer preferences allows users controls whether added structures are automatically expanded or left collapsed.

  • Hex Workshop no longer crashes when passing a relative path via the command line.
  • Launching online help now displays context senstive help sections when focus is on the Results Windows or Structure Viewer.
  • The replace dialog now properly displays the hex search strings for quads and uquads. Additionally, the hex search string is now updated when swapping the byte order.
  • The replace dialog not properly validates data input based on search type.
  • The structure viewer no longer displays extra leading zeros when displaying lengths.
  • The Structure Viewer now updates structure content on undo/redo operations and when changing sectors.
  • Floating structures now remain expanded when swapping between documents.
  • The user interface renders quicker with many structures


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