


VSO PhotoDVD - программа для создания анимированных слайдшоу для записи на DVD — очень проста в использовании и при этом обладающая широкими возможностями. Позволяет использовать для создания слайд-шоу файлы в наиболее популярных форматах - JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF и т.д., добавляя в качестве сопутствующего саундтрека файлы форматов MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV и APE. Имеется поддержка вывода данных в форматах FullScreen (4:3) и Widescreen (16:9).

Ключевые возможности:
• Support picture formats: JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF, and more...
• Support native RAW format : Canon RAW .CR2, Nikon .NEF, .DNG, Minolta and more...
• Supported audio formats for background music: MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV, APE
• Awesome pan and zoom effects
• Fullscreen (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) output
• DVD output on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media (Single or Double Layer)
• Specify a focus point for each picture (highlighted by zoom techniques)
• Basic picture editing (rotation, black and white or color, etc.)
• Up to three subtitles tracks (for different languages)
• Up to three audio tracks for different background music
• Supports both PAL and NTSC formats
• Fast and highgrade MPEG2 encoder
• Universal DVD burning engine included
• Multilingual support
• Optimized for Windows XP and Windows Vista

Что нового в PhotoDVD

  • 0001857: [Bug] Picture buffer not cleared of last visited picture (v2.9.1.5) (Fred)
  • 0001878: [Bug] Problem in FLAC audio file... Duration is false (Fred)
  • 0001879: [Bug] Pb in Photoplayer : bad aspect ratio when the window is resized (Fred)
  • 0001897: [Feature Request] in preview have cursor skip to where you put mouse (Fred)
  • 0001877: [Bug] Problem with underline settings on fonts window for the subtitles. (Fred)
  • 0001895: [Feature Request] working folder doesn't exist (Fred)
  • 0001896: [Bug] v2.9.4.b black and white not working in preview (Fred)
  • 0001899: [Bug] can stop audio from playing if you double clicked in audio window (Fred)
  • 0001886: [Suggestion] Box Jpeg safe mode to small to contain translation (Fred)


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jurassic 10/06/08 Просмотров: 4504