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Flock 1.2.3 Final

Flock - новая версия браузера, построенного на основе широкоизвестной программы Firefox. Сохранив высокую скорость и безопасность, которые соответствуют браузеру Firefox, данное приложение значительно расширило его возможности новыми прогрессивными дополнениями. Flock имеет специальную панель поиска информации, где результат выводится по мере набора искомого слова, а конечный поисковый запрос посылается сразу в несколько поисковых веб-сайтов. Присутствует система автоматического поиска новостных каналов на веб-странице и удобный инструмент чтения и сортировки полученных новостей.

Кроме того, в этом браузере реализованы функции, помогающие пользователю работать с изображениями в Сети. Картинки редактируются непосредственно в браузере, причем, они могут быть размещены как на локальной машине, так и на фото сервисах. Доступно добавлять к картинкам текст и редактировать теги, а также объединять несколько изображений в одно.


My World: Stay In Touch - Introducing My World. Now everything you care about on the web is just one click away.

  • Your favorite photos, videos, and news on one page.
  • Updated continuously.
  • You are notified whenever the stuff you care about is updated.

Photos & Videos: Stock the Minibar - Discover and share photos and videos from Flickr, Photobucket, Piczo, YouTube, and other great sites. It's all just one click away with our Media Minibar.
  • Drag and drop your favorite photos and videos anywhere: into emails, blogs, and comments.
  • Like someone's videos or photos? Make them a favorite - Star it.
  • When new photos and videos are added to your favorite streams, we'll put them into your Minibar and let you know.

Search Smarter - Enjoy instant search that integrates your history, your favorites, and the rest of the Internet to help you find exactly what you are seeking.
  • Search results appear as you type.
  • Find photos, videos and your friends with Flock’s Media Minibar search.
  • You are completely anonymous…only your browser knows what you’re doing.

Star Anything - Found a page, photo, video, or news that you like? Click the Star to mark it as your favorite so you can find it, use it, or share it later.
  • Favorite sites instantly with the Flock Star.
  • Get back to your favorite photos, videos, sites, or feeds faster with Flock search, favorites and My World.
  • Keep it to yourself or publish it online.

Blog Anything - Now adding photos and text to your blogs is as easy as dragging and dropping into Flock's integrated blog editor.
  • Drag & Drop anything into Flock's full-featured blog editor.
  • Supports all major blog services (and has configuration options for self-hosted blogs).
  • Blog while browsing - or blog offline and post later.

Feed Me - Flock brings your favorite websites to you. With all your RSS feeds in one place, you'll never miss out on news that's important to you.
  • News, blog posts, photos...Flock helps you discover and activate new online feeds.
  • Easily subscribe to the news that matters most to you.
  • Get notifications as news happens.

Web Clipboard: Collect Everything - Drag, drop, and save just about anything on the web so that you’ll have it when you want to use it later.
  • Surf the web and find photos, videos, and text you love.
  • Drag them into the Clipboard to save for later.
  • Drag and drop them into blogs, emails, comments and share them with your friends.

Surf Safely - No matter where you travel on the Web, you’ll have the might of the best open source programmers behind you.
  • The most advanced fraud protection available today.
  • Keeps you safe from spammers, scammers, and phishers.
  • Security patches updated automatically.


Скачать Flock 1.2.3 Final (10,7 МБ):

Wincode 09/07/08 Просмотров: 3170
minyaVV 20 декабря 2009, 18:29:51
ща посмотрим,

ща посмотрим, потом отпишусь