XMind Pro 2012 v3.3.1 SE

XMind — программное обеспечение для проведения мозговых штурмов и составления интеллект-карт, разрабатываемое компанией XMind Ltd. Эта программа помогает пользователю фиксировать свои идеи, организовывать их в различные диаграммы, использовать эти диаграммы совместно с другими пользователями. XMind поддерживает интеллект-карты, диаграммы Исикавы (также известные как fishbone-диаграммы или причинно-следственные диаграммы), древовидные диаграммы, логические диаграммы, таблицы. XMind часто используется для управления знаниями, на совещаниях, в управлении задачами и тайм-менеджменте. XMind совместима с FreeMind.

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.
Что нового в этой версии:
- Korean language support
- A per-file option is provided to enable/disable automatic revision generation.
- View/clear license information in License dialog.
- Auto update support for Windows/Mac OS X.
- Support directly opening a map shared on XMind.net.
Fixed Bugs:
- Some bugs that caused startup crashes on Windows.
- Some bugs that caused failure when uploading mindmap to XMind.net.
- Network proxy settings finally works by completely rewriting underlying internet connection infrastructure.
- Pressing 'Enter' key to type literal words using some input methods finishes topic title editing on Mac OS X.
- Subtopics missing in images when exporting to HTML/PDF/Word/etc.
- Extracted themes/styles can not be renamed.
- File hyperlink pointing to a location in local area network is regarded as a broken relative link.
- Dependency lines is not hidden when its predecessor/successor task is hidden by folding in Gantt chart.
- Hyperlink in notes causes failure of exporing to Mindjet MindManager.
- Icons of .xmind files are displayed as unrecognized files on Windows.
- Dragging a folder into XMind results into a broken link.
- Notes view still shows spelling errors even when spelling check is turned off in preferences.
- Error occurred when started creating a boundary without any topic selected in prior.
- 'New' dialog still shows in some cases when opening a .xmind file by double-clicking.
- Opens attachment/linked file in embeded Word/PPT inside Explorer on some Windows machines.
- Find/Replace dialog gets crowded if the topic has a long title.
- Debian package contains 'bad permission' files.
- Other minor bugs.
- Re-designed 'New...' tab.
- Re-written 'Open Recent' menu.
- New look and feel of popup notifications.
- The speed of saving a .xmind file has been tremendously increased.
- Automatically recover to original state in case of failure to save a .xmind file.
- Ask whether to remove a broken topic hyperlink when user clicks on it.
- Ask what to do when user drags a local file/folder into the editor.
- Use native methods to open linked local files on Windows.
- Other minor improvements.
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