Интернет и сеть

Adobe Flash Player Final

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player — плагин, предназначенный для популярных браузеров - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera. Он необходим, чтобы проигрывать Flash-ролики (файлы SWF), смотреть онлайн-видео и слушать онлайн-аудио файлы. Только с этой надстройкой браузеры способны корректно отображать интернет-страницы, содержащие интерактивные веб-элементы, разработанные по технологии Flash. Данная технология широко используется для создания рекламных баннеров, анимации, игр, а также воспроизведения на веб-страницах видео- и аудиозаписей.

Adobe Flash Player — это среда выполнения на основе интернет-браузера для доставки динамичных приложений, контента и видеоматериалов на различные экраны и браузеры. Среда Flash Player оптимизирована для создания высокоэффективных мобильных приложений и поддерживает оригинальные функциональные возможности устройств, обеспечивая удобство работы пользователей с созданными приложениями.

Минимальные системные требования:

  • x86-совместимый процессор с тактовой частотой не менее 2,33 ГГц или Intel Atom 1,6 ГГц и выше для нетбуков.
  • ОС Microsoft Windows XP (32-бит), Server 2008 (32-бит), Vista (32-бит), 7 (32 и 64 бит), 8 (32 и 64 бит), Server 2012 (64-бит).
  • Браузер Internet Explorer 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 17.0, Google Chrome, Opera 11 и выше.
  • Оперативная память 512 МБ (для нетбуков рекомендуется 1 ГБ)
  • Графический адаптер с 128 МБ видеопамяти.


Скачать плагин Adobe Flash Player Final для Internet Explorer (16,9 МБ):


Скачать плагин Adobe Flash Player Final для Firefox, Safari, Opera (16,85 МБ):

aks85 11/11/14 Просмотров: 2378
FastKLF 22 ноября 2014, 16:18:10


makarytch 13 ноября 2014, 14:52:20

Нельзя ли выложить обычные версии?

makarytch 16 ноября 2014, 02:06:21

Спасибо! yes

evgeniy2012 12 ноября 2014, 20:12:50

New in version

Relaxing Stage3D Render Target Clear:
In previous versions of Stage3D, after switching the render texture through Context3D::setRenderToTexture, you were required to clear it before drawing. In this release, we're removing this limitation and optimizing the use of render textures. This change will allow you to further optimize and reuse depth and stencil buffers between different render textures.
Improved support for browser zoom levels - Windows 8:
Flash Player now has improved support for browser zoom factors other than 100% on Internet Explorer on Windows 8.x. Devices, like the Microsoft Surface tablets, default to a zoom level of 150%. In the past, this could cause problems with Flash Player and some 3D content. With our new implementation, we can now scale the content and 3D buffers to keep everything aligned. In addition, Flash Player introduces an option to render to an increased Stage3D back buffer, rather than scaling, on browser zoom to keep the resolution of the rendered content high. This option allows to the stage3D buffer to change in size in synch with the change in the browser zoom factor. Developers are notified of this change with a new ZOOM_FACTOR_CHANGE event.
Flash Player Fullscreen Orientation Change - Windows:
Flash Player will now detect and appropriately scale your content to fit best in a fullscreen display when your device orientation is changed. This change is specific to Windows and is implemented across all browsers. We're focusing on providing the best tablet experience possible. A resize event will fire when in fullscreen mode and the device orientation changes. Developers, if your content does not resize, you will need to handle the resize event appropriately. Additional details will be made available in a separate blog post.
Hardware video decoding on Chrome (PPAPI) for Windows:
We're pleased to announce that hardware video decoding is now enabled by default for Chrome users on Windows. This feature will drastically reduce the CPU usage and improve performance on supported videos players. We're working closely with Google to bring this feature to OS X and will provide additional details when available.
Automatic software fall back with StageVideo:
Flash Player 15 now supports a Software version of StageVideo that provides an automatic failover to the software version when hardware StageVideo is not available. To leverage this automatic failover, the swf apps need to be compiled for Flash Player 15 and above.
When the swfs are compiled for Flash Player 15 and above, and when hardware StageVideo is unavailable, the app will get a StageVideoAvailability event as earlier, but instead of being "Unavailable" it will ALWAYS be "available", and the reason will always be "noError". The app will no longer need to implement a Video object failover as the failover is automatic inside flash player. The apps can still choose to use Video object instead of StageVIdeo if needed.
Hardware StageVideo availability is dependent on a number of factors, including:
Browser hardware rendering support: If available, all wMode based apps will support hardware StageVideo. If not available, wMode=direct based apps will be the only ones that will support hardware StageVideo, unless there are other exceptions, like the ones mentioned below.
On Windows:
IE11: IE has an accelerated pipeline and the FlashPlayer is HW accelerated in all wmode, so StageVideo should always be available. Note that the decision to use the HW accelerate rendering pipeline reside in IE.
Firefox: There is currently no HW accelerated pipeline available in Firefox on windows and only wMode direct will have StageVideo available all other wMode should generate a unavailable event.
Chrome: Pepper has HW acceleration in all wMode, but some restrictions apply. For example Chrome will refuse to use HW acceleration on Windows XP and it has its own driver blacklisting mechanism. It is also possible for the user to disable the HW acceleration in the settings panel. Chrome exposes a somewhat useful page to allow one to see the status of its gpu acceleration: chrome://gpu/
[Win8.x][3840823] Scrubbing the video playhead on CNN.com using touch input now works as expected
[Win8.x] Resolves a stability issue related to touch input
[3836374] Resolves a longevity issue related to DirectTV live streams with WebVTT captions

Marmaria 12 ноября 2014, 09:05:58


ZAXoff 11 ноября 2014, 22:18:45
Stand Alone
Этот блок был удален по требованию правообладателя. Если вы считаете, что это ошибка, обратитесь к Администратору.
Kunzite 11 ноября 2014, 23:44:17

Благодарю за обновлённую ссылку, на adobe обыскался

x-net 11 ноября 2014, 21:30:02

А в конце каждого exe, появилось слово - debug - отладка, для чего она в финальной версии?

dimus2 12 ноября 2014, 17:05:27

да действительно, есть версия же без отладки?