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Blender 2.73 + Portable

Blender 2.73

Blender - кроссплатформенный графический 3D пакет, распространяемый с открытым исходным кодом. Несмотря на относительно небольшой размер, функций этого пакета вполне достаточно для работы как обычным пользователям, так и профессионалам. Blender включает в себя средства 3D моделирования, анимации, рендеринга, обработки видео, набор опций для создания интерактивных игр, визуальные 3D эффекты и многое другое. Используя эту программу, можно создавать реалистичные 3D картины, с качеством цифровой фотографии.

Blender 2.73

Возможности программы:

  • Моделирование: большое количество инструментов, включая полигональные, кривые поверхности, сплайны, шрифты,
  • Анимация: скелетная анимация, покадровая анимация, ключевые кадры, интерполяция промежуточных шагов анимации,
  • Предпросмотр: визуализация в реальном времени с помощью OpenGL, включая просчет частиц и столкновений объектов,
  • Визуализация: очень быстрый встроенный рейтрейсер с возможностью затенения поверхностей по методу Lambert, Phong, Oren-nayar, Blinn, Toon.

Изменения в версии 2.73:

Cycles Rendering

    Volume Rendering:
  • Rendering with cameras inside volume meshes is now supported
  • Cubic voxels interpolation is a new option helping to avoid artifacts on low resolution smoke simulations
  • Faster rendering of homogeneous volumes
  • Support for GeForce 9xx GPUs
  • Improved rendering with area lights
  • Viewport specularity for the viewport is now also implemented for Cycles

User Interface

  • A new fullscreen mode without any buttons or other "annoying" elements to improve the UI
  • The 3D View got an option to display the world background right from the viewport

  • Pie Menus:
  • Confirm Threshold to confirm a pie menu without releasing the original key
  • Nested Pie Menus (a Pie Menu within a Pie Menu) are now supported

  • Chinese and Japanese complex character input:
  • General support for Input Method Editors (IMEs) has been added
  • Only supported for text buttons for now
  • Only supported on Windows and Linux for now
  • Supported is Sougou (Chinese), Bing (Chinese), QQ (Chinese) and Microsoft integrated (Japanese)
  • And now guess why we have a Chinese Splash! ;)


  • Cuts can now be created using free-hand drawing
  • Cut-loops can now be closed by double click

  • Selection:
  • A new selection method "Select Similar Regions" was added
  • You can now skip adjacent faces while using the select more/less function


    Texture Painting:
  • The Add Simple Uvs operator for texture painting now uses a simpler unwrap method for better quick UV layouts
  • Face-mask edges are now hidden to give proper visual feedback while working with masks

  • Brushes:
  • Changing brush size, detail size and strength can now be done using numeric keyboard input
  • Brush strength can now also be changed for Grab and Snake Hook brushes


  • A Backdrop similar to Compositor is now implemented for the Sequencer as well

  • Strips:
  • Strips can now be snapped to other strip's start- and endpoints
  • A new slip Tool allows moving content within the strip itself

Freestyle NPR Rendering

  • Freestyle got a new SVG exporter, implemented as an add-on
  • View maps can now be cached
  • More options for chain selection and chain sorting were added


    Grease Pencil (which got a major upgrade):
  • It is now possible to edit and animate strokes (!!!)
  • New draw styles were added, e.g. filled stroke interiors, volumetric strokes, ...
  • The Grease Pencil's user interface (which is now completely defined via Python) has gotten a general overhaul
  • Two quick access pie menus were added

  • Graph Editor:
  • Revised the set of operators for showing/hiding curves from the keyframe area
  • Circle selection for Curves was added


    Collada Importer:
  • Importing rigs previously caused problems with leaf bones (end bone of a bone chain) so a fix was created for that.
  • Added an experimental bonechain Finder to predict the longest possible chains of connected bones.
  • The FBX Add-on now uses some advanced handling/tweaking options for importing and exporting armatures
  • The Copy and Paste Add-on is now using version 2.0

More Features

  • There are a lot more features that are new in Blender 2.73, so make sure to check them out!

Feature Videos

  • Look at many of the above features in the Blender Developer Sneak Peeks - a video podcast series that showcases important milestones in the development of every Blender release.

Bug Fixes

  • As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.

ОС: Windows 8/ 7/Vista


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Скачать портативную версию Blender 2.73 х32 (75,9 МБ):


Скачать портативную версию Blender 2.73 х64 (90,75 МБ):

ITSS 09/01/15 Просмотров: 4915