Интернет и сеть, Мультимедиа

Songbird 0.7.0 RC2

Songbird 0.7.0 RC2

Вышла новая версия Songbird - бесплатного веб-плеера, построенного на движке веб-браузера Firefox.

Программа поддерживает работу с форматами MP3, AAC, OGG, FLAC, WMA и т.д., имеется поддержка различных тем оформления и способов оформления. Имеется многоязыковая поддержка и многое-многое другое...

Choose from hundreds of useful add-ons that enhance Songbird. For example, MediaFlow is a community contributed add-on that allows you to visually take a spin through your music collection. Try it out, or build one of your own, and make Songbird your media player!

Songbird 0.7.0 RC2

Here are the most noteworthy features we’d like to call out in RC2 and get your feedback on:
  • Smart Playlists: Create playlists that automatically update based on criteria you set.
  • Album Art: Read, write and display album artwork. There’s a new Album Art Display Pane in the bottom of the Service Pane that shows the artwork associated with currently playing track. In the Metadata Editor, you can add, remove, cut, copy and paste artwork to a track - changes will be saved to the file(s) you edit.


Скачать Songbird 0.7.0 RC2 (16,18 МБ):

Последняя стабильная версия - 0.6.1


Скачать Songbird 0.6.1 (14,25 МБ):
Selencko 13/08/08 Просмотров: 2706