
Stellarium — свободный планетарий для Вашего компьютера с открытым исходным кодом. Он отображает реалистичное небо в 3D таким, каким Вы видите его невооружённым глазом, в бинокль или телескоп. Просто введите свои координаты и исследуйте небо!

Особенности программы:
- Стандартный каталог с более чем 600,000 звёзд.
- Дополнительные каталоги с более чем 210 миллионами звёзд.
- Звёздные скопления и изображения созвездий.
- Созвездия 13 мировых культур.
- Изображения туманностей (полный каталог Мессье).
- Реалистичный Млечный Путь.
- Очень реалистичная атмосфера, закаты и рассветы.
- Планеты и их спутники.
- Мощное масштабирование.
- Контроль хода времени.
- Многоязычный интерфейс.
- Проекция "рыбий глаз" для проецирования изображения на купол планетария.
- Сферическая зеркальная проекция для Вашего личного низкобюджетного купола.
- Новый графический интерфейс и развитая система управления с клавиатуры.
- Управление телескопом.
- Экваториальная и азимутальная сетки.
- Мерцание звёзд.
- Метеоры.
- Симуляция затмений.
- Ландшафты с поддержкой скинов, теперь со сферической панорамной проекцией.
Настраиваемость и расширение
- Система плагинов добавляет показ искусственных спутников, симуляцию окуляра, управление телескопом и много другое.
- Возможность добавления новых объектов солнечной системы из интернета...
- Добавление собственных космических объектов, ландшафтов, изображений созвездий, сценариев...

Изменения в версии:
- Added getting planetary positions from JPL DE430 and DE431 ephemerides (SoCiS2015 project)
- Added immediate saving of settings for plugins (Angle Measure, Archeo Lines, Compass Marks)
- Added Belarusian translation for landscapes and sky cultures (LP: #1520303)
- Added Bengali description for landscapes and sky cultures (LP: #1548627)
- Added support Off-Axis Guider feature in Oculars plugin (LP: #1354427)
- Added support permanent rotation angle for CCD in Oculars plugin
- Added type of mount for telescopes in Oculars plugin
- Added improvements for displaying data in decimal format
- Added possibility to drawing of permanent orbits of the planets (disables of hiding orbits for planets, when they are out of field of view). (LP: #1509674)
- Added tentative support for screens with 4K resolution for Windows packages (LP: #1372781)
- Enabled support for side-by-side assembly technology for Windows packages (LP: #1400045)
- Added CLI options --angle-d3d9, --angle-d3d11, --angle-warp for fine-tuning ANGLE flavour selection on Windows.
- Added improvements in Stellarium's installer on Windows
- Added improvements in Telescope Control plugin
- Added feature for build a dependency graphs of various characteristics of exoplanets (Exoplanets plugin)
- Added support of the proper names for exoplanets and their host stars (Exoplanets plugin)
- Added improvement for Search Tool
- Added improvement for scripting engine
- Added their Bayer designation for some stars in Scorpius (LP: #1518437)
- Added updates and improvements in Stellarium DSO Catalog
- Added Prime Vertical and Colures lines
- Added new functions for Scripting Engine
- Added new DSO textures
- Finished migration from Phonon to QtMultimedia (LP: #1260108)
- Added scripting function to block tracking or centering for special installations.
- Added visualization of ephemerides
- Added config option for animation speed of pointers (gui/pointer_animation_speed = 1.0)
- Added implementation of semi-transparent mask in the Oculars plugin (LP: #1511393)
- Added hiding the halo when inner planet between Sun and observer (or moon between planet and observer) (LP: #1533647)
- Allow viewport offset change in scripts.
- Allow centering zenith or pole via scripting (LP: #1068529)
- Allow freezing/unfreezing average atmospheric brightness (e.g. for balanced-brightness image export scripts.)
- Allow saving of output.txt to another file so that it can be read by other programs on Windows while Stellarium is still open.
- Allow min/max values and wraparound settings for AngleSpinBox
- Allow configurable speed and script speed buttons
- Allow storing and retrieval of screen location for StelDialogs (LP: #1249251)
- Reconfigure viewDialog GUI to put constellation switches to skylore tab.
- Limit location coordinate spinboxes to useful coordinates
- Apply Fluctuations in the Moon's Mean Longitude in DeltaT calculations (Source: Spencer Jones, H., 'The Rotation of the Earth, and the Secular Accelerations of the Sun, Moon and Planets', MNRAS, 99 (1939), 541-558 [])
- Applying device pixel ratio to the pixmap, so that it displays correctly on Mac's.
- Added improvements for Paste and Search feature (Search Tool)
- Added ecliptical coordinates info for objects in scripting engine
- Added exit pupil calculation in the Oculars plugin (LP: #1500225)
- Fixed display of sidereal time (mod24), show apparent sidereal time only if nutation is used.
- Fixed issue of saving some setting from the View window (LP: #1509639)
- Fixed issue for reset of number of satellite orbit segments (LP: #1510592)
- Fixed bug in download of stars catalogs in debug mode (LP: #1514542)
- Fixed issue with smooth blending/fading in ArchaeoLines plugin
- Fixed loading scenes for Scenery 3D plugin (LP: #1533069)
- Fixed connection troubles in Telescope Control Plugin on Windows (LP: #1530372)
- Fixed wrong altitude of culmination in Observability plugin (LP: #1531561)
- Fixed the meteor radiants movements when time is switched manually (LP: #1535950)
- Fixed misbehaving zoom out to initial view position (LP: #1537446)
- Fixed format for declination in AstroCalc
- Fixed value of ecliptic obliquity and ecliptic coordinates of date (LP: #1520792)
- Fixed zoom/art brightness handling (LP: #1520783)
- Fixed perspective mode with offset viewport in scenery3d (LP: #1509728)
- Fixed drawing reticle for telescope (LP: #1526348)
- Fixed wrong altitudes for some locations (LP: #1530759)
- Fixed window location having offscreen frame when leaving fullscreen (LP: #1471954)
- Fixed core.moveToAltAzi(90,XX) issue (LP: #1068529)
- Fixed some skyculture links
- Fixed issue of sidereal time: sidereal time is no longer displayed negative in the Western timezones.
- Fixed online search tool for MPC website
- Fixed translation of Egyptian planet names (LP: #1548008)
- Fixed bug about wrong rise/set times in Observability for years far in the past
- Fixed issue for resets flip buttons in Oculars plugin (LP: #1511389)
- Changed behaviour for drawing of the planet orbits (LP: #1509673)
- Reduce planet brightness in daylight (LP: #1503248)
- Updated icons for View dialog
- Updated ssystem.ini (LP: #1509693, #1509692)
- Updated names of stars (LP: #1550642)
- Avoid false display of tiny eclipse factor (rounding error).
- Hide displaying markers for meteor radiants during daylight
- Cosmetic updates in Equation Of Time plugin
- Enabled permanent visualization of position angles for galaxies
- Updated default config options
- Updated scripts
- Updated connection behaviour for autodiscovery location through network (FreeGeoIP)
- Implementation of quick turning to different directions (examples: CdC, HNSKY)
- Refactoring coloring markers of the DSO
- Removed info about Moon phases (avoid inconsistency for strings).
- Removed rotation of movement by convergence angle correction in Scenery 3D plugin.

ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
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