SD Maid Pro. System Cleaning Tool 4.3.0 Beta

SD Maid Pro - многофункциональное программное решение для операционной системы Android, основное назначение которого заключается в удалении из системы временных файлов и различных "хвостов", оставленных удаленными программами. Таким образом, приложение позволяет освободить место на вашем смартфоне или планшете, при этом не удаляя никаких потенциально нужных данных.

- Удаление файлов, оставшихся после удаления программ.
- Удаление данных файлов из системы и SD карты.
- Очистка файлов логов.
- Удаление трассировки стека.
- Очистка кэшей.
- Удаление не докачанных файлов.
- Удаление временных файлов.
- Удаление пустых и потерянных директорий.
- Удаление иконок галерей.
- Поиск отдельных закэшированных файлов.
- Поиск одинаковых файлов.
- Функция поиска файлов.
- Исключение файлов и директорий.
- Файловый менеджер.
- Отображение модифицированных файлов.
- Очистка истории поиска на маркете.
- Отображение самых больших файлов.
- Чистка баз данных.

Изменения в версии:
- Added: Adaptive support for different (core-utils providing) binaries, currently "toybox" and "busybox".
- Added: Added support for location "/oem" (#441 Ty randomname1234).
- Added: Option to toggle animations (currently only coffee drinking).
- Added: If SD Maid is running in the background but requires setup via user action, operations are canceled and a notification is displayed (#435 Ty sjoshua270).
- Added: SD Maids file forensics can now get clutter markers from dynamic sources. This means that in addition to static sources (i.e. a database with entries), there are now dynamic sources that can generate clutter markers without explicitly knowing an app.
- Added: Dynamic clutter sources for .UTSystemConfig and .EveryplayCache.
- Improved: Accuracy of size calculation when deleting files of which some failed to be deleted (or don't exist anymore).
- Improved: Clutter database (dozen of new entries).
- Improved: Clutter database format to better cover multiple apps with the same clutter.
- Improved: Updated all of SD Maids dependencies and libraries.
- Improved: Instead of tapping out with a "busybox error", SD Maid will now relinquish root access if the current toybox/busybox setup is not root compatible (#442).
- Improved: Both busybox and toybox can be used by SD Maid and both types of binaries will be tried as fallback solution (#452).
- Improved: Reduced SD Maids resource (RAM/CPU) consumption by reducing the amount of shells that are kept open. Reading files now shares a shell with all other operations (delete, move, copy etc).
- Improved: Operation results (ok, skipped, failed) now only show values that are non zero.
- Improved: Speed of file object creation, some calls be done in a more effective order and a few memory optimizations weren't effective.
- Improved: File forensics performance, less information is (i.e. App name) is requested during research and deferred to be gathered when it is actually needed.
- Improved: Reduced memory use by reducing the footprint of the clutter matching (simpler objects).
- Improved: Ownership detection. In some cases SD Maid will now match "fixed paths" -> "variable packagenames", previousy we could only match "fixed package names" -> "variable pathes". Example: Match "/sdcard/.strawberry/eu.thedarken.sdm" without specifically having a database entry for "eu.thedarken.sdm").
- Improved: Busybox error screen shows more device infos and a better explanation.
- Improved: Logging. Reduced logging in production builds and adjusted logging priorities to be more useful (verbose vs debug).
- Fixed: Task results not showing correct amount of failed deletions.
- Fixed: "Double tap to exit" toast not being correctly themed (#438 Ty TWiStErRob).
- Fixed: Shell data not being disregarded directly if data is streamed instead of buffered. This should reduce peak memory consumption during scan for SystemCleaner, Duplicates, Biggest and Databases.
- Fixed: Commands failing that use remounting on Android 6.0+. Multiple mount commands were used to guarantee reliable execution on different devices, but on some the toybox binary segfault. This would cause any command using remounting to end up with a segfault (139) errorcode. SD Maid now checks if the toybox binary segfaults during setup.
- Fixed: A racecondition where the FAB become visible when SD Maid started executing a task triggered from list multiselection.
- Fixed: Shell operation (move/create) failing if the the target path was a symlink pointing to a read-only partition with a different path (e.g. /vendor -> /system/vendor).
- Fixed: Random crashes related to inflating the menu in each tools toolbar, possibly related to devices with hardware menu-buttons.
- Fixed: Crash related to a race-condition between UI input (e.g. clicks) and UI state.
- Fixed: Crash if SD Maid could not find any locations of type SDCARD but tried use the data to build sub-locations such as PUBLIC_DATA.
- Changed: Instead of file length, "size on filesystem" is now used to calculate the amount of space freed by a deletion. You will notice that with the exception of sparse-files, deletion will show slightly (blocksize) increased amounts of freed space, especially when deleting lots of small files.
- Changed: SD Maid now ships with toybox instead of busybox (leaner and fixes #451).
- Changed: Log files are now stored in SD Maids cache instead of files folder (i.e. /sdcard/Android/data/eu.thedarken.sdm/cache/logfiles).
- Changed: If root access is available, SD Maid will skip asking for storage access via the storage-access-framework (SAF).
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tolyan76 03/09/16 Просмотров: 2029