
KillProcess 2.43 Final

KillProcess 2.43 Final

KillProcess - бесплатная программа для работы с процессами. Как видно из названия, KillProcess способен завершить почти любой запущенный в системе процесс и/или сервис. Утилита более удобная, чем стандартный Менеджер Задач Windows, так как позволяет завершать сразу несколько процессов/приложений...

KillProcess is an application assassin of the extreme kind.
KillProcess can terminate almost any process on a computer, including any service and process running in the system. Even protected Microsoft system processes can be terminated. All of this can be done in the matter of milliseconds. The speed that KillProcess can kill your applications with is determined by your computer speed and is not restricted by any other settings within the OS itself.

KillProcess is way more powerful than the Task Manager in other terms than speed. It can kill multiple processes, either by multi-select or by clever use of kill lists. Using these techniques it is possible to batch terminate processes, quickly and swiftly, with a click of a button.

KillProcess can also scan the running processes on the computer, and kill them on sight, much like an anti-spyware application would. In KillProcess however, you are in charge of which applications should be allowed to run or not and that applies to the computer as long as you say so.

What's New:

  • Fixed the application to fully support support Vista, which means that the application will default run in normal mode and that there is an elevated mode available.
  • Now possible to launch processes in elevated mode for Vista
  • Changed the trayicon information to show the active killlist if availabe (suggestion by Charlie)
  • Added the possibility to load lists right of the trayicon menu
  • Added the possibility to run lists right of the trayicon menu - that is evil powerful! (suggestion by Charlie)
  • Moved the "PID" column in the process list (suggestion by Eric Hale)
  • Removed the "Listed" column in the process list and replaced with the "Parent PID" which is much more useful
  • Fixed the bug with the "Minimize on Exit" function not being applied on the X-button (reported by Charlie)
  • Now possible to explore the process folder
  • Finally nailed the problem with the process descriptions being wrong after a couple of hours of execution
  • + several other smaller bugs and improvements


Скачать KillProcess 2.43 Final (1,82 МБ):
Selencko 07/10/08 Просмотров: 2548
semelnyk 20 декабря 2009, 18:28:30

пригодится в случае, когда taskmgr.exe заблокирован вирусняком:)