Vuze + Portable

Vuze - это популярная программа для работы в Peer 2 Peer сети BitTorrent со значительно более богатым ассортиментом функций, чем фирменный клиент сети. По большому счету все богатство функционала заключается в более продвинутом подходе к управлению закачками, чему способствует симпатичный и удобный интерфейс. Немаловажным достоинством является наличие функций трекера — возможность поиска torrent файлов. Стоит упомянуть поддержку плагинов, кои можно скачать с сайта разработчика.

Возможности программы:
- Шифрование протокола;
- Поддерживает анонимный обмен данными по протоколам I2P, Tor и Nodezilla;[1]
- Технологии peer exchange и распределённые хеш-таблицы (DHT) снижают зависимость клиента от трекера;
- Поддержка технологий UPnP, NAT Port Mapping Protocol и NAT traversal обеспечивает лучшую работу в локальных сетях;
- Поддержка uTP;
- Возможность раздачи в режиме super-seeding, благоприятствующем скорейшему появлению новых раздатчиков;
- Технология web seeding;
- Поддержка ссылок на P2P-контент, так называемых magnet links (в том числе bc://);
- Возможность работы через прокси-сервер;
- Поддержка IPv6;
- Поддержка Юникода;
- Воспроизведение потокового видео.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Что нового в этой версии:
- FEATURE: Core | Added a 'pause for' (or 'resume after') option to the File menu to temporarily suspend downloads for a time period [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added option to prevent automatic copy to iTunes after conversion to allow tagging [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Option to place 'do not download' stub files into a subdirectory (currently limited to downloads with <= 2048 files for performance reasons) [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added ability to prefer the IPv4 stack to help with some connection issues on Java 1.7 [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Vuze now attempts to detect if you are running over a VPN and prompt you to bind to the VPN interface for increased privacy [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added ability to specify alternative DNS servers (default=Google DNS) to be used when resolving SOCKS proxies [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Vuze now detects if an explictly bound interface is present when you start Vuze [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added option to close Vuze/perform computer power functions when transcoding completes [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added a .vuze file format for setting configuration items (e.g. installing a SOCKS proxy) [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Added a customisation file type for configuration settings [Parg]
- FEATURE: Core | Support php-like variable substitution in search template field names [TuxPaper]
- FEATURE: UI | Added 'create torrent' command to console UI [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Ability to show Vuze uptime added to Library headers [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Number of selected torrents now shown in Library headers [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added a network binding staus icon to the status bar showing peer connection bindings [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | The 'Transfers' view of the Statistics panel now shows connection routing details [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added a SOCKS icon to the status bar - shows status and in particular if non-proxied incoming connections are being received [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added a SOCKS status area to the Transfers view showing SOCKS proxy status [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Under Options->Connection->Proxy Options there is now a 'test' button to check proxy status [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added download context menu option to show the link that was used to download a torrent (where available) [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added Help->Advanced option to show a torrent's details without loading the torrent into Vuze [Parg]
- FEATURE: UI | Added a 'browse to generated torrent' button to the new-torrent wizard [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Automatically accept unknown SSL certificated from HTTPS trackers (option to revert behaviour if required) [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Made it possible to disable the DNS tracker extension support as some users experiencing issues with their AV software and increased DNS activity [Parg]
- CHANGE: Core | Handle remote clients with no cookie support better [TuxPaper]
- CHANGE: Core | Improved the 'reset configuration state' behaviour somewhat [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | The new-torrent wizard will now prompt to overwrite the created torrent file if one already exists with same name [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Don't permit the auto-hiding of soem devices we know should never auto-hide [Parg]
- CHANGE: UI | Spanish translation updated [Valtiel]
- CHANGE: UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
- CHANGE: UI | Korean translation update [Dong-yoon Han]
- CHANGE: UI | Romanian translation update [muntealb]
- BUGFIX: Core | Fixed a SOCKS issue regarding local UPnP services [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Fixed error caused by read-only plist causing incorrect 'document dir' default under OSX [Parg]
- BUGFIX: Core | Don't block Vuze initialisation when reading UPnP state from 'slow' routers [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Fixed bug where the upload speed options were sometimes missing in the right-click status icon menu [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Dialogs weren't be centered correctly under some circumstances [TuxPaper]
- BUGFIX: UI | Show pairing errors in remote-pairing dialog [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Fix columns not being able to change their default alignment because user saved an unchanged alignment for it [TuxPaper]
- BUGFIX: UI | Fix AllPeersView nad PeersView getting their subviews mixed up [TuxPaper]
- BUGFIX: UI | Fix All Peers View not showing subviews (Piece Map, etc) [TuxPaper]
- BUGFIX: UI | Fix ever growing listeners list bug [Parg]
- BUGFIX: UI | Some statistics sub-views weren't opening correctly [Parg]
Скачать программу Vuze x86 (7,02 МБ):
Скачать программу Vuze x64 (6,93 МБ):
Скачать портативную версию Vuze (8,47 МБ):