
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.563.0 Rus

ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.563.0
NOD32 — это комплексное антивирусное решение для защиты в реальном времени от широкого круга угроз. Eset NOD32 обеспечивает защиту от вирусов, а также от других угроз, включая троянские программы, черви, spyware, adware, phishing-атаки. В решении Eset NOD32 используется патентованная технология ThreatSense®. Эта технология предназначена для выявления новых возникающих угроз в реальном времени путем анализа выполняемых программ на наличие вредоносного кода, что позволяет предупреждать действия авторов вредоносных программ. Наравне с базами вирусов NOD32 использует эвристические методы. Считается, что среди других ведущих антивирусных пакетов NOD32 отличается малым использованием системных ресурсов. 32-битная версия с русификатором

Список изменений в NOD32 Antivirus версии 3.0.563:
  • Problems with the firewall on multi-core computers running Windows 2000
  • Problems with updates via Microsoft ISA Server
  • Problem with displaying images from web sites
  • Problem with scanning video streams
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.560.0

ESET NOD32 Antivirus Version 3.0 extends ESET’s trusted proactive protection from Internet threats to your home. You and your family can surf the Net, download files, share photos, play games, and exchange email in a safe computing environment.

Also, this proactive protection does not come at the cost of your computers running slow because our technology runs fast and installs in a very small footprint.

ESET NOD32 3.0 Antivirus detects and disables viruses, trojans, worms, adware, spyware, phising, rootkits and other malware.

Built on the award-winning ThreatSense™ engine, ESET NOD32 Antivirus Version 3.0 is a tightly integrated security solution that focuses on antivirus and antispyware. ThreatSense is an ”early warning system” that allows your computer to help ESET find new malware threats that live ”in-the-wild.” Participating in this technology does not threaten your computer’s security in any way. You can trust it to help keep your system safe.
Proactive Detection - Using ThreatSense technology, ESET NOD32 Antivirus proactively protects against known and unknown malware and is exceptionally proficient at detecting malicious behavior and protecting your system.

Extremely light system footprint - ESET NOD32 Antivirus Version 3.0 is a smartly engineered security solution that ensures a fast startup and smooth efficient running of your computer.

Fastest Scanning - ESET NOD32 Antivirus Version 3.0 does not slow your computer down as it scans files to ensure your computer is safe. You are free to enjoy the sharing files, photos, surf or even play games with little to no impact on your experience - while remaining safe.

A quick and easy installation process means even the novice computer user can ensure their system is safe. ESET NOD32 Antivirus Version 3.0 runs in the background, freeing you and your family to enjoy a safe and protected computer experience.


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